Here is Kenzie is her second holiday outfit Grandpa Evans picked this one out just for her.
This is Kenzie after just opening her Christmas Eve present it had Christmas pj's, a Christmas book and a reindeer. (And a piece of chocolate thats what she is holding in her hand)
Later that night we went to Grandma and Grandpa Evans for dinner. Grandpa read us the Christmas story from the bible and we did our family tradition of gifts we will give to the baby Jesus in the next year. After that we all rode up to Spanish Fork to see the lights it was alot of fun.
Here is Mckenzie in her third holiday outfit we realized we hadn't taken a picture of her in it yet when we got home and this was the best we got.
Once we got home we got dressed in our pj's and started to get our cookies ready for Santa (Matt had informed us earlier that week that Santa's favorites were no bake cookies) Once those were done we wrote a quick note to Santa.
Mom and Kenzie with our plate of cookies all ready for Santa (Dad told us that we put too many out and that Santa could eat them all but we reassured him that Santa was a big guy and would need all the cookies he could get so he would have plenty of energy)
Our tree annd stocking all laid out and ready to go.
She's getting so big! Kathryn was over yesterday when I got your card in the mail. She says your baby is so cute! It's a good thing Matt knows what kind of cookies Santa likes! Also, we have the same FP Christmas book. The boys love the flaps, and it has lasted two seasons now.
So where are you?
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