Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving and more

Well for Thanksgiving this year we had dinner with Matt's family it was nice to visit with everyone. Kenzie really enjoyed seeing her new cousin baby Logan she was actually quite intrigued by him as you can tell by the pictures. She was very interested to see what he was up to. Then later on we went over to my cousin Peggy's for dessert it was nice to be able to spend time with both families this year.

Mommy and Kenzie

Kenzie checking out baby Logan

Unfortunaly I forgot about my camera the rest of the night until we got home and Kenzie was helping me clean out her diaper bag, she took her changing pad out and started putting it over her face to play peek a boo as she did this though the mat would cause her hair to stick straight up it looked so cute I had to get a picture.

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